Definitions — ASH Brain Health System Redesign



­ 46B: A person deemed incompetent to stand trial, as per Texas Code of Criminal Procedures

ACT: Assertive Community Treatment

ADC: Average Daily Census

ALOS: Average Length of Stay

AOT: Assisted Outpatient Treatment

ASH: Austin State Hospital

Brain Health: Commonly referred to as mental health and refers to the ability to remember, learn, play, concentrate and maintain a clear, active mind without disturbances beyond the control of the person.

CAPS: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services

CIT: Crisis Intervention Team

CMS: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

CPB: Community Psychiatric Bed

DBT: Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

DSHS: Department of State Health Services

DSRIP: Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment

EBD: Emotional and behavioral disorders

Esprit de Corps: Morale

FACT: Forensic Assertive Community Treatment

FFT: Functional Family therapy

FQHC: Federally Qualified Health Center

FY: Fiscal year - September 1 - August 31

HB: House Bill

HHSC: Health and Human Service Commission

IDD: Intellectual and Developmental Delays

IDDT: Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment

IICAPS: Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services

IOP: Intensive Outpatient

IP: Inpatient

IPS: Individual Placement and Support

KEEP: Keeping Parents Supported and Training

LMHA: Local Mental Health Authority

MCOT: Mobile Crisis Outreach Team

MDFT: Multisystem Family Therapy

MMHPI: Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute

MST: Multisystem Therapy

MSU: Maximum Security Unit

N.B.: Nota bene, meaning “note well.” Used to emphasize an important point.

PNA: Psychiatric Nurse Assistant

PESC: Psychiatric Emergency Service Center

RFI: Request for Information

RTC: Residential Treatment Centers

SB: Senate Bill

SMI: Serious Mental Illness

SNF: Skilled Nursing Facility

SUD: Substance Use Disorder

Telehealth: Electronic communication system utilized for physical and mental health evaluations

TJJD: Texas Juvenile Justice Department

Turn Rate: Rate at which patients discharge from the hospital

Waitlist: The amount of time a patient has to wait for admission to the Austin State Hospital

YES: Youth Empowerment Services